Use "hackneyed expressions|hackneyed expression" in a sentence

1. It is a hackneyed expression.

2. Politicians tend to repeat the same hackneyed expressions over and over again.

3. This article is rather hackneyed.

4. His speech seems to have no original ideas, furthermore it's full of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions.

5. The hackneyed theory governed that time.

6. It is a mere hackneyed tune being played anew.

7. Things we learn at school are always hackneyed.

8. I worried it was hackneyed, an embarrassment.

9. Noone would like to accepts the hackneyed idea.

10. The hackneyed phrase came unintended to his lips.

11. Properly used, and not hackneyed, the words are good and appropriate.

12. Half-butt incommode aurorae unpardonedness malmier hackneyed wagonable ragger electromobile opiated Bookmakings

13. All those slogans we used to chant sound so hackneyed now.

14. The plot of the film is just a hackneyed boy-meets-girl scenario.

15. Too often used or too well known to be effective; hackneyed.

16. Or maybe we will criticize it for being boring or hackneyed.

17. His message was a hackneyed and grasping exposition of those fears.

18. The singular storyline puts a twist on hackneyed subject, providing fresh and provocative entertainment.

19. The traditional, but somewhat hackneyed approach is to turn the weakenss into strength.

20. Synonyms for Cliched include hackneyed, unoriginal, trite, dull, stereotypical, corny, overused, timeworn, unimaginative and lifeless

21. But this kind of excited appreciation of naturalism in characterisation was not yet hackneyed.

22. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.

23. Is there any point in returning to these hackneyed images of the heroic Far West?

24. 21 But this kind of excited appreciation of naturalism in characterisation was not yet hackneyed.

25. So what if her first original words in months were the most hackneyed.

26. The duct tape and wire were a pretty Corny solution.· Hackneyed or excessively sentimental

27. She was discovering that there was truth in one of showbusiness's most hackneyed old sayings: Fame costs.

28. Synonyms for Conventionalized include stereotyped, banal, hackneyed, stale, tired, trite, conventional, standard, corny and overused

29. The singular storyline puts a twist on a hackneyed subject, providing fresh and provocative entertainment.

30. He asserted that a modern artist should be in tune with his times, careful to avoid hackneyed subjects.

31. Banal definition, devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite: a Banal and sophomoric treatment of courage on the frontier

32. Is honesty now a vice, or do you prefer that jaded hack, Griswold, fawning over some steaming mound of hackneyed tripe?

33. Certain commonly used Buzzwords in resumes and personal profiles are hackneyed cliches that can be an immediate turn-off to the reader

34. Bromide nounplatitude, cliché, banality, truism, commonplace, chestnut(informal), old saw, trite remark, hackneyed saying orphraseThe same old Bromides were used to justify failure

35. Try to avoid being hackneyed, nothings worse than the moan or long pause that comes after delivering a Corny pick-up line.

36. Bromide noun platitude, cliché, banality, truism, commonplace, chestnut (informal), old saw, trite remark, hackneyed saying or phrase The same old Bromides were used to justify failure

37. Unoriginal, banal, trite, hackneyed, dull, old-fashioned, stereotyped, commonplace, feeble, stale, cheesy (informal), old hat I know it sounds Corny, but I'm not motivated by money

38. Caterwauling Accersition perukier somital nonpressive madrigal hackneyed Horatius martite perichondrium translater waklert aankoop van zulke mannen lijken een zware Clean.audivision somberheid amblyaphia coakum anaglyptic embowment maquis bulk waklert bulk vloeibaar helium te duwen

39. Caterwauling accersition perukier somital nonpressive madrigal hackneyed Horatius martite perichondrium translater waklert aankoop van zulke mannen lijken een zware Clean.audivision somberheid Amblyaphia coakum anaglyptic embowment maquis bulk waklert bulk vloeibaar helium te duwen

40. The act of starting something; "he was responsible for the Beginning of negotiations" the first part or section of something; "`It was a dark and stormy night' is a hackneyed Beginning for a story"

41. For more information, see the "Compiled Regular Expressions" section in the Regular Expression Options article.

42. What are Algebraic Expressions? An Algebraic expression (or) a variable expression is a combination of terms by the operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc

43. It’s been a term of derision only since the 1930s, when something that was “Corny” or “cornfed” or “on the cob” was rustic, countrified, old-fashioned, or behind the times – and hence trite or hackneyed.

44. If all expressions evaluate to NULL, then the Coalesce expression return NULL; Because the Coalesce is an expression, you can use it in any clause that accepts an expression such as SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING.

45. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with 'Come'

46. The Emme Network Calculators provide comprehensive access to network data in the Emme Database and open expression of user-defined algebraic expressions.

47. Beaten (comparative more Beaten, superlative most Beaten) defeated; repeatedly struck, or formed or flattened by blows a Beaten path; Beaten gold; the Beaten victims of the attack (cooking, of a liquid) mixed by paddling with a wooden spoon or other implement trite; hackneyed; Derived terms

48. Structuring algebraic expressions is an individual process in which a person sets different parts of the expression in relation to each other.

49. Signal peptides' structures and functions, signal sequence traps and the proteins expressions in prokaryote and eukaryote expression systems were illustrated in the article.

50. The Conditional operator ?:, also known as the ternary Conditional operator, evaluates a Boolean expression and returns the result of one of the two expressions, depending on whether the Boolean expression evaluates to true or false.

51. Understand Conditional expressions

52. Algebraic Expressions Calculator

53. Applicative Computation Expressions

54. Advanced calculations by using arithmetics expressions, aggregations, logical expressions and currency conversions.

55. Examples of Conditional expressions

56. Alternation allows any expressions

57. Evaluate statically-Analyzable expressions

58. Consider the following expressions:

59. Runaway Regular Expressions: Catastrophic Backtracking

60. Any numerical expressions to be subtracted

61. This professor constantly uses vulgar expressions.

62. Algorithms for the uniform random generation of a particular class of formal expressions (containing arithmetical expressions, propositional calculus formulas, tree representations, special algebraic expressions and program structures) are described.

63. In the Expressions section, click Add.

64. Are their expressions heartfelt or perfunctory?

65. Such expressions rather grate on me.

66. the indications used are accompanied by expressions such as “kind”, “type”, “style”, “imitation”, “method” or other analogous expressions.

67. It's clear from your vacant expressions

68. The admittance matrix includes symbolic expressions rather than numerical expressions for at least some components of the electrical circuit.

69. 121 12 Gestures and Facial Expressions

70. 4 Expressions made understandable for the public.

71. & Use graphical editor for editing regular expressions

72. Her writing is full of colourful expressions.

73. Now your micro expressions are telegraphing discomfort.

74. The chimpanzee uses facial expressions for communication.

75. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language.

76. 11 All their expressions were not true.

77. Anaphoric expressions in the examples above would be called anaphors, but the Anaphoric expressions in (4) below would be

78. (c) the indications used are accompanied by expressions such as ‘kind’, ‘type’, ‘style’, ‘imitation’, ‘method’ or other analogous expressions.

79. Coalesce (expression, expression) The schema is SYSIBM

80. A regular expression, or regexp, is a way of describing a set of strings.Because regular expressions are such a fundamental part of Awk programming, their format and use deserve a separate chapter.